Orbit UK has copies in the office of COLD FIRE (release date in the UK market is 1 September, while release date in the US/NA market is Sept. 26), and have generously offered to supply a copy for a giveaway. They’ve also sent me advance copies (which should be arriving any day now).
So with a new wordpress blog and a new release, it is time for a giveaway.
This one is easy to enter.
1) Anyone can enter internationally, no region restrictions.
2) One entry per person, please.
3) Just make your guess, in the comments below, of where the photo in the header was taken (I took it). Personally, I think you should just guess without checking to see what other people have already said, because
There will be two winners:
3a) One drawn randomly from all people who commented below.
3b) One drawn randomly from that subset of people who guessed correctly. If no one guesses correctly, I’ll simply do another random drawing from the entire set.
4) Comments will be open from NOW until Friday midnight HT (Hawaiian Time) 26 August.
Your COLD FIRE sentence of the day:
With a snarl of rage, Rory dropped the bags. In a blur of gold too bright to be fully seen, he melted from man into huge, deadly saber- toothed cat, and sprang at the . . . [cut for spoiler]
Sonoma Valley, California?
Niagara Falls
I have no idea – Kauai Mountains?
I really have absolutely no idea. So let’s just say… the bank of Mississippi River looking West into Missouri?
I’m going to say Monument Valley.
Where ever it was taken, it makes for an absolutely lovely cover.
I’m going to guess somewhere in Hawaii, just because.
It reminds me of Assateague Island
A vineyard in France? So excited about Cold Fire!
Stellenbosch, South Africa?
To me, that photo looks like somewhere in England…not sure I could be more specific, though! I’ll just hope for the random-drawing element…
I can’t wait to read this book!
I’d say it was 2 miles south of Amesbury, UK.
I’ll go with… Australia!
I’m going to take a total guess and say somewhere in UK (if I have to be more specific: England) because of that wall I see there (could it be Hadrian’s?).
East Anglia – the Fens…
I’m going to say Cedar Hill, simply because it’s the last place I remember you going. But it doesn’t half look pretty wherever it is.
I’m just going to take a wild guess and say Arizona, North America because I have no idea whatsoever π
Marin county?
erm.. Somewhere in Australia
My tentative guess is Portland, ME but I reserve the right to change it! π
Maybe the Snake River just outside of Jackson WY?
English moors. Very romantic
Hm, possibly…
Point Reyes, CA
I have to say it looks a lot like the empty fields outside of Folsom California out off of White Rock or Grant Line Rd
I’m going to go with Hawaii.
Just because I last saw low-lying mist like that on the train from Leeds to London I’m going to guess… Cambridgeshire!
I think it is the Arizona Desert
After thinking about it for a long time, and looking at a lot of similar images on the web, I’m fairly confident I have come up with the right answer. It was taken someplace on planet Earth. I know you build worlds, but I fairly sure that you don’t literally build worlds (Though you do literaraly build worlds).
I’m guessing the Big Island…though there are some pretty obvious background features missing so that’s probably wrong.
Vancouver Island, BC
I’m going with Arizona (Sedona, maybe?)
Bryce Canyon??
I have GOT to read these. Hearing a lot of good buzz!
I’m going to guess England. Very pretty, wherever it actually is.
It looks like the Somerset Levels, UK, to me!
It looks like a view up to the edge of the Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River.
Somewhere around State College, PA
Hmm. Louisiana coast?
I’ll take a wild guess and say Napa Valley, California
I’ll guess, Victoria, Australia.
Looks rather… southern Germany! Gorgeous, in any case.
It looks like a huge agricultural field between the fence and the trees in the background. I think its California..I would off the top of my head say northern cali but I am having trouble pinpointing it down. I have seen it before or something very close to it which is what makes me assume that’s the location. In any event its a beautiful photo!
At Burning Man.
Someplace very beautiful. I’m going to guess New Zealand, based on nothing at all.
My guess is England.
I am going to guess Smith Lake since you were at Powell’s recently.
Beautiful photo π It looks like it could have been taken here in the South Island in New Zealand but I’d have to say Colorado, USA.
Definitely the Swindon/Gloucester road in the UK, lol!
This could be anywhere! I’m just going to take a wild guess and say somewhere in the English countryside.
I say somewhere in Australia myself, Ayers Rock?
My guess & it is a guess is Somerset in England. Reminds me of waking up at Glastonbury and go for a Dawn walk and the sun rising across the fields.
Hi, I am going to guess Utah, there’s some really nice areas like that near Springdale.
I have no idea so…Kent π Could be it, and a lots of other places π
Ohhh so wanna win thsi book. Loved book 1!
Uh … somewhere in the US?
I have no idea, hmm, maybe Namibia? A Friend of mine took a photo in that beautiful country and it looked somewhat like your cover. Wherever it is, itΒ΄s beautiful π
Looking out over Rutland water in the UK. (silly guess, as I have no idea).
Reminds me of Monument Valley (having just watched Cowboys & Aliens).
Hawaii? Too obvious? Too general? Thanks for the opportunity. Greytfriend216 at gmail dot com
I have no idea, but I’m going to guess that it was taken in Minnesota, USA?
And thanks for having this contest :)!
The Big Island
I’m guessing Mongolia.
Somewhere in England?
I’m going to guess Australia, though I’ve never been. Beautiful!
Somewhere in rural Oregon.
Somewhere in Spain, possibly?
I’m going to say Door County, WI. I’m sure it’s not right but I want to be wrong with style!
I am guessing its somewhere in the middle east…
It’s both flat and has a lot of moisture, making it somewhere I’ve never been. Can I guess somewhere in the middle [of the USA]?
I would guess Iowa, for no reason I can say.
I’d guess it’s an ancient formation somewhere in the American Southwest based on coloration, perpendicular weathering structure, & general ambiance of the photo.
But that’s not why I bothered to post a reply, as I don’t really need to get a free copy of the book.
I just wanted to post the web address of a really unusual eroded rock formation that may be of interest to fans of the series “Star Trek – Voyager”.
If I’m right, the place rocks.
Oh, wow. I’d love to win your book but I have no idea where this photo might have been taken, though it is beautiful. I guess I’m going to assume it’s somewhere in Hawaii.
guessing southern portland, usa.
I am gonna go with Ireland, just because.
perhaps from the north west coast of maui
Gorgeous photo! My guess will be England. I’m obsessed and when I see slightly rolling hills, mist, and a barely discernible rock wall, that’s what comes to mind! Thank you so much for hosting this. I almost missed it! Good thing I live in hawaii and it’s not midnight yet! (speaking of which, are you doing any tours in hawaii? I would love to support you if you are!).