Possibly my only bookstore signing this year: July 28

Just one more reminder:

I will be signing with Lynn Flewelling at Mysterious Galaxy Redondo Beach on

Saturday 28 July, 2:30 pm.

I will be reading from Cold Steel.

I will also have a very few copies of the paper pamphlet of the Cold Fire bonus chapter 31.5 (you know which one if you’ve read the book).

I would be delighted to see you there if you live in the area. If you don’t live in the area, you can still get a signed copy of the book (personalized to you or anyone else, if you wish, although that is not required) through Mysterious Galaxy if you order ahead of time. They’ll then have me sign it while I’m in the store.


ALSO: I’m basically on hiatus from posting until I have completed the revisions for Cold Steel. I probably will reappear online at the end of August in time for the release of the mass market paperback (and lower ebook priced) edition of Cold Fire. I do intend to maintain a light presence on Twitter and Facebook and, to a lesser extent, on tumblr. If you’re on tumblr, feel free to ask me questions there. Actually, feel free to ask me questions here, too. Like: Is your daughter bugging you to write a YA series with her? Why, yes, she is! We even have a concept, as one does these days. A HIGH CONCEPT. Now all we need is a plot.