Katharine Kerr’s Deverry sequence (Spiritwalker Monday 10)

Starting with Daggerspell (1986), this epic fantasy series of fifteen novels follows events in the land of Deverry over hundreds of years while maintaining a storyline that wraps tightly around itself in the manner of Celtic interlace.

Rather than describe the plot or characters, let me explain why I believe those of you who have not read this series should absolutely pick up the first book.

1) After reading through fifteen volumes with many characters, I can still name and describe ALL of the major characters and many of the minor ones because I became so invested in their stories. Memorable characters with compelling story-lines equals a gripping series.

2) Kerr’s world is not static. Her technique is subtle but assured as she unfolds how a culture changes over time. Villages become towns become cities. Warbands expand into armies. The political structure of the early kingdom shifts from more localized centers of regional power to a more centralized kingship. The spinning wheel is invented. When my spouse, an archaeologist, read Daggerspell, he said, “This is the best depiction of a chieftain-level society I’ve ever read.”

3) In other words, the world feels real and acts real. As with the world in Sherwood Smith’s Inda series, I believe Deverry could exist somewhere. After reading the books, I feel as if I have been there. I still think about events and dramatic moments in this series frequently, rather as I do memories from my actual life. That’s how much the narrative worked its way into my mind and heart.

4) This series offers a master class in how to use third person omniscient narration.

5) Not only has Kerr done her linguistics homework but she has fun with it. Do enjoy the asides in the prefaces that discuss pronunciation and language. Names and pronounciations change over time, and different societies have different languages and thus different names and different ways of speaking. It’s all woven seamlessly into the whole, not at all intrusive or awkward.

6) An extremely well drawn and workable magic system whose practitioners become adepts because of the degree of study and work they put in rather than through “natural talent.” While it is true that some people have an affinity for magic, you can’t become powerful through “chosen-ness.”

7) Dragons.

8) Dwarven women. Not at all what you think.

9) Some of the societies we meet in Deverry are patriarchal and yet Kerr continually gives women important roles and a variety of roles. Her women characters have agency.

10) Not all of the societies we meet in the series are patriarchal. They are varied, and unique, and interesting, with their own histories and languages (see 5, above)

11) The way she creates the institution of the “silver daggers” (disgraced men forced to “hire themselves out for coin”–which is seen as dishonorable in this society) and then threads it through the entire sequence. Brilliant.

12) In the early books especially, all politics are local, and lords’ warbands are fairly small groups of fighting men. Kerr, a football (NFL) fan, used her observations of the dynamics of football teams and games as part of the way in which she created the relationships between the warriors and the way battles — before, during, and after — are fought. It’s not noticeable. I just happen to know she did it, and for me the way she delves into the psychology and tactics and strategy of warfare in this type of society comes across as quite realistic and never cliched or stereotyped.

13) Which Deverry hero is the hottest? A lengthy discussion (may contain spoilers). This post was part of deverry15, an online tribute to the Deverry sequence upon publication of the final volume.

14) You can read through deverry15’s posts and links HERE.

15) The Deverry sequence is probably my favorite post-Tolkien epic fantasy series.



[I would love to do a read-through of the entire series (the kind of thing they’ve been doing for a while not at Tor.com with other epic fantasy series, mostly by men) but at the moment I do not have time to administer it.]

12 thoughts on “Katharine Kerr’s Deverry sequence (Spiritwalker Monday 10)

  1. Awesome, I’m jumping on this recommendation.

    I’m currently reading through Guy Gavriel Kay’s Fionavar Tapestry trilogy (again, I think I’m on time six), to which I have a similar relationship in my ability to name and discuss the characters, their lives, their deeps. It’s the kind of story that makes me cry when I read a character’s name for the first time in book 1, because I know what happens at the end of book 2. It reminds me of Celtic oral storytelling with its repetitions of certain phrases woven throughout the story. Heartbreaking and uplifting and lovely and fantastic.

    But it’s always nice to explore new worlds, too, and find new characters to love, so I know what’s on my reading list next! 😉

  2. I have had this series on my maybe-read list for awhile, and it just jumped up several spaces. Thank you!

  3. Pingback: Linky is footsore | Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

  4. I’m reading this series again for the “umpteenth” time. I love it. I’m only a bit disappointed by the presentation of gay sexuality . . . but this is by far my favourite recent fantasy series.

    I’m looking for recommendations of other series that are similarly engaging! And I really love the Celtic flavour of the series, as well . . .

  5. I’m fairly certain that Kit is at pains to point out that the Dark Dweomer is not about the homosexuality, but about the sex, hence the changes to Darkspell. she has positive lesbian characters in later volumes.

  6. The Deverry series is one of my all time favorites, I started with Days of Blood and Fire, simply because the cover of the book was interesting and I reread that book over and over until I began to find the other books at my library and the bookstore. I have read the entire series beginning to end several times and certain acts more times than I can count. I love the characters, the mythology and the winding timelines, and it just holds up so well time after time. I have a hard time convincing other people to read it though…

  7. I’m hoping to do a series of read/re-read posts on the Deverry books with Aidan Moher of A Dribble of Ink this summer. Maybe we can get more people to read them!

  8. I am overdue for a reread of Fionavar! That trilogy has to be one of my all time favorites. I remember how hard it was to find book 3 in the US after it was published and the effort I put into finding it because I HAD to find out what happened!

    Deverry is long overdue for a revisit. And then catching up as I know I haven’t read any new ones for years. Hmmm, I sense some quality fantasy reading this summer!

  9. I’m hoping to do a read/re-read readalong of the Deverry sequence on A Dribble of Ink or Tor.com together with Aidan Moher (A Dribble of Ink blog). It would start this summer.

  10. I have read the first set up to Silver Mage, but what are the last books? Have they been published ? Can’t wait.
    I have read and own ALL up to Silver Mage at least, minimum 18 times. It’s like visiting old friends.
    Was thrilled when Neyvan and Jill were finally reborn and together.
    Keep on keeping on.

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