N. K. Jemisin’s THE SHADOWED SUN: Giveaway

Through the unexpected generosity of my publisher, I have ended up with two copies of N.K. Jemisin’s THE SHADOWED SUN, second book in The Dreamblood duology.

That means I have to GIVE ONE AWAY.

The first volume, THE KILLING MOON, I described in this way (on the front cover of the USA trade paperback): “The world is so fully fleshed out that I could breathe its spices . . . Jemisin proves yet again that she is one of the most important new writers in fantasy today.”

As an experiment, I’m going to try a “write a review” giveaway.

The rules:

To enter, write a review of a book and post it on your blog, Live Journal, Facebook, tumblr, Goodreads, Amazon, Library Thing, or another such site. The review does not have to be long (I know that long reviews are time consuming to write, so a short one is okay as is a long one) but it can’t be just a starred rating. The content of the review doesn’t matter–that is, it doesn’t have to be positive although it CAN be positive 🙂 .

Then post a link to the review either here or on my live journal mirror. (Don’t link to an old review, please.)

I think and talk a lot about visibility and how visibility affects careers. So my preference would be that you review a book by a woman writer OR by a man writer who is not one of the usual bestsellers whose books are reviewed umpteen times. [I won’t name names.] But, any new review will count.

In today’s publishing world, I think the hardest thing for a writer is being invisible — unknown — not seen. Talking up books helps both readers and writers. So, write and post a review, and you have a chance to win a copy of this FABULOUS novel.

USA and International entries (I’m mailing from the USA) welcome. Draw will be random number from entries received.

Giveaway ends in one week, Sunday 11 June 9 pm HT (Hawaii Time).


25 thoughts on “N. K. Jemisin’s THE SHADOWED SUN: Giveaway

  1. Never apologize for gushing about books and writers you love!!! 🙂

  2. Fortunately, I just wrote a review on my book review website for The Immortal Rules yesterday and then I saw your contest. I hope this counts. Also, I was fortunate that this book was written by a female author, Julie Kagawa . I have the Hundred Thousnad Kingdoms by N.K.Jemisin on my shelf and it has been sitting there too long. I will make that the next book I read!

  3. Wonderful! After writing two series with characters who care about clothes, I’ve gotten a lot more interested in clothing and costuming in novels.

  4. Dylan, that sounds like it squeaks in. But I need the link here so you can “officially” enter.

  5. I reviewed the next book on my ‘to read’ pile, which was ‘Redshirts’. I know, a bestseller, a male writer, and will likely be reviewed by everyone with a pulse, but it was what was next.
    If you care to pay attention, I just discovered Linda Nagata has snuck a couple of self published or small press books into the world without me realizing it. This will be rectified very soon. A new Nagata book is a treat!

  6. My review of The Charter by Gillian E. Hamer, just went up on The Future Fire – reviews.futurefire.net/2012/06/hamer-charter-2012.html or http://t.co/KXEuFF8N
    I will also be doing a presentation & discussion of Diversity in the Work of N. K. Jemisin at FinnCon in Tampere, Finland in July

  7. Oh, ALL RIGHT. I’ll accept it.

    I can’t believe I have not done a good enough job signal boosting the new Nagata books!!!

  8. That’s really cool about the presentation on Diversity in Jemisin’s work at FinnCon!

  9. I find myself caught up in the clothing a lot because of my love of textiles, but really anything out of the ordinary appeals to me.

    When I’ve read your novels, or some of my other favourites, it’s not even the story itself that grabs me, it’s the world building. When I read something, I want to feel as though I could step into that book and feel the world around me. Exotic smells, sounds, clothing or even just departing from the stereotypical anglo hero makes me want to read more!

    I do find your efforts to build a different world from our own is why your works continue to rate higher on my list than other popular novelists, who write good stories, but there’s no real immersion in a new culture.

    Goodness, my comment ended up longer than intended. Sorry for the rambling!

  10. I don’t think I’ll make the deadline of the required review before the contest is done, although I don’t mind (I will buy the book anyways), but I’ll leave the link to my blog for you to check out: http://starmetaloakreviews.com/

    I review SFF and I have a particular interest in books written by women and so I wanted to say that your entry requirement is awesome 😀

  11. Even a short review meets the requirement! But, of course, the book releases June 12.

    You have a fabulous blog. Also *ahem* I think you gave Cold Magic a really nice review. Thanks!

    One of these days I plan to write about how book bloggers have really changed the reader/reviewer/writer relationship online.

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