Apex Magazine story, Crown of Stars retrospective, & Crown of Stars ebooks

The February 2013 Apex Magazine is out with a Shakespeare theme.

I have a story (“My Voice is in My Sword”) and am interviewed in the issue, which you can find here.

Again, here is the link to a retrospective I wrote, looking back on the Crown of Stars series, which you can find at the Orbit Books web site.

All seven of the Crown of Stars books are now available in ebook form, from Orbit UK in the UK region.

The first three volumes of Crown of Stars are available in ebook form in the USA and other English-language venues. No schedule yet for the ebook publications of #4 – 7, although they are all available in print form.

3 thoughts on “Apex Magazine story, Crown of Stars retrospective, & Crown of Stars ebooks

  1. Agreed. I think the small moments and the vulnerabilities of a person are the most telling. The older I get the less I’m enthralled by large scale dramas (Star Wars, James Kirk), and the more I’m fascinated by the subtle (Argo).

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