News & Appearances (San Diego)

First, a question: How many of you subscribe to author (email or online) newsletters? Do you like them? Think they’re useful? Have other thoughts on them? If you’re a writer who has one, how is it working for you?


1) The bonus chapter for COLD FIRE is available on the Extras page on this site (on my WordPress site, for those reading this on livejournal).

2) I will be attending World Fantasy Convention in San Diego October 27 – 30 this year.

Additionally, I will be part of the Open House (signing) at Mysterious Galaxy Books (San Diego) on Wednesday 26 October from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. You do not have to be a member of the convention to attend. I will have paper-pamphlet copies of the bonus chapter at that event AND at WFC, which I am more than willing to sign and hand over to you.

IF you don’t live in the area or can’t attend, AND you want a signed copy of COLD FIRE (with the bonus chapter included) OR any of my other books, for that matter, I believe you can preorder such a thing through Mysterious Galaxy and they’ll have me sign it there.

Because I’ll be at WFC, I can sign books in the dealers’ room there as well, so you could theoretically contact Borderlands Books or Larry Smith, Bookseller with the same request. They both do mail order.

3) I am working on COLD STEEL. It’s been an extremely difficult book to write, but I am pressing forward in my stubborn way although not without a fair degree of whining to certain of my compatriots who are patient enough to listen.

4) I’m actually fairly close to being done with the Rory short story. Keep bugging me about it. That helps. Or at least it makes me feel even more guilty than I usually do. If I get a reading slot at WFC, I will consider debuting the story there.

2 thoughts on “News & Appearances (San Diego)

  1. First, a question: How many of you subscribe to author (email or online) newsletters? Do you like them? Think they’re useful? Have other thoughts on them?

    One might think that in the age of RSS feeds, twitter and other “instant on” connectivities, that newsletters are a depreciated idea.

    I think this is not true. The newsletter allows me to “catch up” if I have missed an announcement or three from the author on other media, and it often provides a more savable form than trying to save a blog post or the like.

    I am subscribed to a couple of writers’ newsletters, such as Kay Kenyon’s Still Writing and Laura Anne Gilman’s newsletter.

  2. Yes, I’ve noticed it is a good way for writers to alert readers about new work. I’m always hearing from someone 6 months later who says, “I didn’t know your new book was out!” Of course, if they didn’t subscribe to my newsletter, they wouldn’t know anyway either.

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