Cold Fire Spoiler Thread

If you want to discuss Cold Fire, Cold Magic, and the Spiritwalker Trilogy so far, OR if you want to ask specific questions about either of the books or the series, this is a place you can do so, with spoilers.

I’ll start with a great line from a very thoughtful review of COLD FIRE over on abookandashortlatte:

Though I was initially disappointed to read what appeared to be the start of yet another love triangle, I am so glad Elliott included it in this installment, for it is one of the only instances I have encountered where the triangle was not merely a plot device.

Also, over at the Orbit Books blog, I’ve posted on the subject “Why the first chapter of Cold Fire covers much the same ground as the last chapter of Cold Magic.”

Don’t forget there is an extra chapter, which I plan to post online after all editions and regions of the English-language-edition are available. For now, email me if you want the chapter and I’ll email the file to you.

If you want a paper copy (pamphlet designed by Lucy Softich), come (or send a minion) to my signing (with the most excellent Blake Charlton, of Spellbound and Spellwright fame) at Powells, Portland OR (Beaverton branch) 20 September 7 pm. OR order a signed copy via Powells before the signing which will come with the pamphlet of the extra chapter.

I will also be attending an open house for writers at Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego on Wednesday 26 October 630 – 830 pm, and I will have the pamphlet there as well. And also at World Fantasy Convention in San Diego (October 27 – 30).