2011 becomes 2012

I’m in the enviable position of living in one of the last places on the globe to celebrate the end of the day, so I can amuse myself watching the new year tick over every where else. Although actually I spent much of the day traveling, and am now home.

I have little to say about 2011 except that it was a very hard year in several ways, mostly to do with a death in my extended family (not in my immediate nuclear family, I hasten to add) but also to do with some other things. My confidence was badly shaken for reasons I’m unlikely to discuss except to say that, in writing terms, as common as it is to cycle between peaks of triuumph and troughs of despair, it is (unfortunately) a not uncommon part of the longer term (across the years) writing process to hit greater than normal chasms on occasion triggered by any number of things. It’s okay. It happens. The hard part is to dig out and keep going.

So I resolve to not be silenced by anxiety and doubt in 2012. Or, to put a positive spin on it: I resolve to trust in my own voice. And I hope that for you, as well: May 2012 be a year where you can speak in one form or another with a strong, true voice.

I hope also for a generous heart, and for good health, for all, as far as that can go, for these are no little things.

It can be so hard sometimes.

But to quote one of my favorite writers, Tricia Sullivan:

We must press on.

So here’s to a new year of pressing on resolutely.

I leave you with a link.

My sister gave me a CD of a local Eugene (out of Montana) folk group. Well, you know, local folk groups. This could go any way at all. But I trust my sister’s musical tastes, and indeed, Betty and the Boy is a fabulous and wonderfully interesting duo with some lovely melodic work.

Their web page.

Here’s “Moth to a Light”

Happy New Year!

Giveaway: ARC of Touchstone, by Melanie Rawn

I recently had the pleasure of reading an ARC (advanced reading copy) of Melanie Rawn’s forthcoming novel TOUCHSTONE (Book One of The Glass Thorns).

It’s due on the shelves in February 2012.

Because this time of year in the USA (and other places as well) is the season of gift giving, I’m giving away the ARC.

Rules (ETA: Yes, it’s open internationally)

1) Post a comment to enter (either here or on my LiveJournal mirror)

between now and midnight on December 25.

2) On December 26 I will announce the winner (drawn randomly from all entries) on this blog (they’ll then need to contact me so I can mail them the ARC).


Here is the back of the book description:

Cayden Silversun is part Elven, part Fae, part human Wizard–and all rebel. His aristocratic mother would have him follow his father to the Royal Court, to make a high-society living off the scraps of kings. But Cade lives and breathes for the theater, and his troupe is something very special.

The four of them intend to enter the highest reaches of society and power, but not the way Cade’s mother thinks they should. They’ll be the greatest players of all time, or die trying.

Come experience the magic of Touchstone: wholly charming characters in a remarkably original fantasy world. You’ll never want to leave.


Here’s what I said:

Melanie Rawn is in her usual fine form with a vivid world and thoroughly captivating characters. A masterful blend of plot, character, and setting makes reading seem effortless in this tale of four young men devoted to the magical theater of their world. Rawn’s skill as a writer brings you right onto the stage with them.


And here’s the Publishers’ Weekly review:

Rawn takes heroic fantasy to its logical conclusion, creating a lived-in world where the scars from magical wars still linger and pure blood is a thing of the distant past. Cayden Silversun is the playwright and manager of the up-and-coming magical theater group Touchstone, alongside his friends Rafe and Jeska and the startlingly talented Mieka Windthistle. Despite their differences, wild Mieka and sensible Cade become fast friends. Shunned by his family, Cade is driven to prove himself, pushing Touchstone to ever greater heights. But as their fame grows, so do Mieka’s drug abuse and self-destructive behavior. Cade, troubled by prophetic visions of Mieka’s possible futures, wonders whether he has the right—or the obligation—to interfere with his impetuous friend’s choices. This strong, heartfelt, and familiar performer’s tale is full of astonishing promise, powerful but co-dependent friendships, insecurity, and addiction, and it will appeal to fantasy fans and theater lovers alike. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 12/05/2011




2012 Blog Goals: A Survey

This is in the nature of an experiment with a cool new utility called Urtak, a simple but elegant survey mechanism.

I’m currently thinking about what sort of things I might want to do with this blog for 2012, when I hope to do a lot of fiction writing and back it up with other material as well.

The questions come in a Yes/No/Don’t Care format. I’ve posted some basic ones and I already have a couple more I may add. Best of all, readers can suggest questions which I can then add (or not). Also, please feel to comment as per the usual way if you have any thoughts either on things you would like to see on this blog in 2012 or on using a survey to ask questions in general.

Here we go:

2012 Kate Elliott Blog Goals

Rory gets his own story, plus a giveaway

For months now I have been promising a short story about Rory, Cat’s half brother who is a sabertooth cat.

It is now finished, and you can find it right here on this website by clicking through onto the Extras page. Or by clicking here.

Also, until Dec 17 there is a giveaway on this guest post now up on the excellent book blogging site, BookSmugglers.

I also mention three 2011 books that were among my favorites of the year as part of Book Smugglers’ Smugglivus celebration.